Saturday, April 03, 2010

Movie Night - April 3rd, 2010

Damn it. Got almost ready to post this, crash. :P So i am retyping it. Grr… (and now i'm having problems with it's fonts. grr... so if it looks weird, i give up.)

Night of mostly tv episodes, and good ones at that, i needed goofy and good. Got my mind off Zack for a bit. 

First off with the new Doctor Who, The Eleventh Hour.
   Might have my perceptions colored by my mind being on Zack so much, so i'll give it another watch when i'm more composed. Liked the new companion, but not the fact that there is another "anchor" to back home. Not sure about Matt Smith, seems mostly to be way too manic. Miss the more thoughtful Doctors honestly, but oh well. Also tired of the resolution being "I'm the doctor!" everyone does what he says while bads run away or are wiped out. I could be off though, who knows. I'll give it another watch some time later when i'm more myself. 

Then on to the movie Deadly Friend.
   A bizarre 80s movie by Wes Craven, more funny than scary, and with the best death going to Anne Ramsey. Odd movie, that's for sure. 

Then an episode of the 80s The Twilight Zone, Her Pilgrim Soul.
   Been too long since i've seen these episodes, this one was great. 

I couldn't find a video clip of this that would work for me, sorry. 

Another episode from the 80s Friday the 13th the Series, Night Prey.
   If Vampire the Masquerade wasn't inspired by this, i'll eat my hat. (which i don't wear). 

   Two guesses which song is my favorite, heh, the one Anya sings. About bunnies.

Then finishing up with the perfect Doctor Horrible's Sing-along Blog.
   I love this so damn much, the songs, the singers, the tragic story. Doesn't hurt that Felicia Day is too cute. 

Friday, April 02, 2010

Goodbye Zack

I came downstairs from working on the computer to find Zack passed away just a little while ago. (He's the one on the right in better days) Great bunny, so glad i had those years with him, but i'm going to miss him more than anything. Kitty is freaking out, (she's on the left) they were bonded since i got them, lived in the same house, played together all the time. Now she's looking frightened, staring at the gate. Hope she handles it okay, he's the only one that she got along with out of all of them, and they got along great as this picture might show.

I'm going to miss you Zack.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Movie Night - March 27th, 2010

Another movie night, four movies again this time for us who lasted. Those who missed the last, wow did you miss out. ;)

First up, Death Race (2008 version):
   Lots of explosions and it reminded me of the early 80s game Car Wars. Turn off your brain, go with it, and watch lots of violence and explosions. ;)

Next was Surrogates:
   Better than i thought, i'll have to go listen to the VFX Podcast to see if i was right about them using the same system (i recall it being called Ruby, but i'm spacing right now) they used in X-Men 3 to make certain characters younger to make the surrogates look synthetic. (Side note, that system is used more subtly in regular movies to make actors and actresses look younger, but you will never know which ones because those who work on it sign very strict NDAs, good times)

Then Franklyn:
   Neat movie, i liked it, but it was much less "action" than i expected. It also went ways i didn't see coming, which was good, and the design is wonderful. May end up getting this one, especially if there are decent extras.

Lastly after most have left Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl:
   O...M...G... Balls to the wall batshit insane! In the best ways possible. This was SO un-PC, just an fyi, so if that bugs you, you might not be able to shut off your brain and enjoy this. I'm so buying this one too when i can. Those who missed it, i feel you may have to watch it, The trailer isn't even a fraction of the craziness in the movie, the scene where she is dancing in the 'blood rain' was awesome (watch for blood coming from all sides of the screen, heh). The music was bizarre and fun too. Still hearing it in my head. ;)