Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My year in photos, 2012

I figured i'd do another one of these, describing my year with photos from each month in 2012. Obviously this will most likely get NSFW again.

   Slow month for photos, the best was the shoot with Jade, she's an awesome model and fun to work with. I took a lot of infrared shots, and they turned out great, the color ones turned out great too. Really need to work with her again i think. It's odd, it feels longer ago thinking about it, but i mentioned that last time i did this too.

   Quite a few things it seems, African Night, Dancing with the UW-RF Stars, the wearable fashion exhibit, and Hot Air Affair in Hudson. Going with an IR shot of African Night, the belly dancer, i had made a diy infrared flash and was trying things out. Nice as it let me get better lit shots without annoying anyone.

   Another interesting month, with the Warehouse benefit fashion show, Roots and Bluegrass in town, and St. Patrick's day bed races also in town, almost all done in IR, i seemed to be on a kick. ;) Going with a shot of the lead singer of I-Scintilla, back in the 90s i had spent a lot of time at the Warehouse where i made a lot of good friends and still have a lot of good memories of that time. 

   Lots of things, besides my birthday, Painted Ladies body-painting meetup, Unity in the Community, Drag Show on campus, and the International Bazaar on campus. Think i'll have to go with the body painting though, how often do you get to shoot such great painters and models? Not often enough sadly. 

   Things slowed down here, for various reasons. I only posted 45 images in the whole of May. I did go to Pittsville though and got to see my whole family at once, which is rarer than you'd think with families now. So this image is one of my mom's irises that i always love. 

   Good month for photography, but the writing was on the wall for my bunnies sadly. The good was the Olde Farm shoot, Chi in the park, Summer Music Series, and the Anything Ghost haunted house shoot. This is a rough one, the Farm shoot and Ghost ones are some of my favorite work, one of nudes and the other gothic lolita, which i don't shoot enough of. For the image here though, i think i'm going to have to go with the Ghost shoot, not to slight the others though.

   Bunny wise this month sucked big time. Emily died suddenly (may have been late june, it's all a blur), Kitty deteriorated to the point where she needed to be put to sleep after hurting her back, Jerry got sick and was taken to the vet, but passed away the next day. I tried to distract myself with some photography though, Taste of Nepal, a Ballet Dancers meetup, Club Splash meetup, and one of the days of River Falls Days. Going to have to go with the Club Splash meetup, i wasn't the most with it with the bunny troubles, and it was insanely hot in the pool room, and outside even, but i did some more fun IR shooting and met some great models and other photographers. 

   Seven photos total in that month, Amanda was depressed from Jerry passing, and when i took her in to the vet he found she was riddled with cancerous tumors, most in her guts and lungs. He felt she would have a painful time and it would be best to not let her wake up from the anesthesia from getting x-rays of her. It was hard, especially since she was the last bunny of the four passing in such a short time, but i had to agree. I was a wreck until later in the month, when one of the best things to happen to me was brought up here by an old friend of mine. Butters the awesome bunny. 

  Still not many photos, was still reeling from loosing so many of the bunnies, but Butters was helping. 

   Still not many photos, did get another camera converted to a different type of Infrared that can get more color than the previous one. 

   Finally got more shooting in, still miss the bunnies who passed, but felt good to shoot again. Had the Riverdazzle Parade, shot Kaia, Culture Fest at the university, and the Hot Sams fire spinners meetup. Again, this one is hard, Kaia is awesome, and so were the fire spinners, and i shot both in IR again. Think i will have to go with the fire spinners as it's something i've never shot, and was a new and fun experience. 

   Not much shooting this month at all really, and i don't see any happening until the new year, so this will be it. Going to have to go with the fact that i recently got a friend for Butters, named Plopp. (was named Somo at the humane society, but it didn't seem to fit, hopefully he doesn't mind)

So there you go, pretty crap year, seeing as i also didn't talk about heath issues and trips to various doctors, car troubles, etc. Hopefully this next year will be better, both personally and photographically. You know it's bad when your camera gets dust on it. :P