Saturday, November 20, 2010

Movie Night - November 20, 2010

Movie night, and a note that holy crap it's icy out there when i left. Car coved, driveway slippy, stay safe out there people.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
   Do i need to say how much i love, love, love this movie? Watched it four times or more now since getting the bluray, and still want to watch it more. I'll make the obligatory note that the graphic novels are great too, but both hold their own. You will get a lot more information about backstory in the books, that makes you appreciate the movie more, but the movie can stand on it's own. So many scenes were right out of the books, and most of the characters looked right out of the movie. Anyway, see this movie and read the books. I don't know of anything else like it.

Funky Forest: the First Contact
   Speaking of nothing else like it, this movie. Wow, Japan sure can bring the weird. It was long, with an intermission, and then another intermission, but that was more a joke, but it kept you on your feet wondering wtf was going to happen next. Eventually, most of the parts sort of connected, mostly by characters, but still, very random performance art feeling. Not necessarily in a bad way, but a very, very weird way. Think dreams you can't control. That pretty much sums it up i think, but i could be wrong.

Hot Tub Time Machine
   Liked this, tons of great call backs to 80s movies, and a great cast. Not the most sympathetic characters at times, but that is part of it's charm, and it's also not very PC. Not sure what else to say, but i'll have to see if i can find out more about certain characters, who seemed familiar.

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