Thursday, December 06, 2012

Roo Bunny Butters

Now i'm living with just one bunny, Roo Bunny Butters, so named as my friend who brought him had already named him Butters, and another good friend send me and him mail calling him Roo Bunny Butters. He's a beautiful rex, way too smart for his own good and always trying to get in things and past baby gates.

Here he is on the chair i have in my library/living room. He hopped up there and was curious what i was doing with the camera.

Dancing like a manic. He bounces from a stand still straight up in the air, around three feet up sometimes. Very hard to catch on camera, but adorable.

One of his favorite spots, on the windowsill of the front window. He mostly goes up there during the day, and will sit there for hours, sometimes falling asleep.

A view of him from the outside, heh. How cute is this? Very. That's the answer.

So anyway, he makes me very happy now, and i honestly don't know what i would do without him. It was especially hard before he came, as i went to many humane societies around here and before he came, none of them had any bunnies. I might get him a companion at some point, but i want his health to be good and possibly get him fixed before that, even though if i do get another, they will most likely be fixed already.

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